Thursday, December 8, 2011

New Designs for the month of December

Been busy with researching Indian handicrafts, for quite some time. In fact, so much so, that I forgot to upload the new designs for the mild steel staircase balusters and railings that we manufacture and innovate upon, so often!!

But finally here we proudly present the new designs of mild steel staircase balusters and railings for the month of December 2011.

Mild Steel Baluster CS-25
Mild Steel Baluster CS-26

Mild Steel Baluster CS-27
Mild Steel Baluster CS-28

For economical high quality mild steel staircase balusters and railings, please do feel free to contact us by mail and we will be more than happy to help you with your requirements. Being based in Ghaziabad, India, Design Concepts is well equipped to fulfill all your requirements. We also offer to customize as per your designs or requirements.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Mild Steel Handicrafts on the Anvil!!

After a lot of deliberations and discussions and brainstorming, with our partners, associates and well-wishers, we have finally decided to venture into the world of Indian Handicrafts. We will initially be starting out with a range of Indian Handicrafts made of mild steel or steel, but eventually we will be augmenting and embellishing our range with more and more handicrafts.

But, before we start out, head first, into exporting Indian handicrafts made of mild steel or steel, we will be spending a lot of time on researching the handicraft range that we wish to introduce. We initially wish to start with a range of candle holders in mild steel, steel or wood or a combination of two or all three of them.

So, off I go to research about candle holders and stands......

Hope to be back soon with something substantial to show for the efforts I plan to put in, in finding out more about mild steel, steel, wood and combination candle holders and stands.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

New Designs Of Staircase Balusters And Railings For The Month of September

We are now uploading the new designs of mild steel staircase railings and balusters, for the month of September 2011. Do have a look at the entire set of designs at any of the four links that you see on your right.

Remember, that being based in India, we are able to offer you better price options, without compromising on the quality in any way. Also, we offer customization as per your designs and requirements, at no extra cost.

Please do mail us your queries, we will be more than happy to respond!!




Friday, August 12, 2011

New Designs for the Month of August .... continued

Although, I had uploaded the new designs of mild steel staircase balusters to all my sites and had informed everyone that the designs will, from now on, be also directly available in my blog posts, but I forgot to upload them to my last post!!

So here goes ......




Friday, July 29, 2011

New Designs for August

We have now uploaded the new designs of mild steel staircase railings and balusters for the month of August, on all our sites. You can now click on any of the four links provided on the right side of this post, to view the new designs.

This month on, we plan to introduce new designs every month and also to publish the pictures of the new designs directly into our posts, so the viewing of new designs is easier!!


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

We Are Exxxxpanding

Now we are looking at augmenting our range of mild steel balusters and railings, with more products. The poll on the right is an indicator of things to come.

We are exploring possibilities in various product ranges ...... Indian FMCG, apparels, tourism and travel, Ayurveda wellness products, to name a few. We intend to cater to not only the NRI audience spread all over the world, but also to the increasing interest and acceptance of all things Indian by the world population. We will ideally prefer to bring forth Indian products that will give you a slice of India, its life and its culture. But rest assured, we will not be limiting ourselves to these products alone!!

Please feel free to send in your suggestions and ideas for products that you might want to see on the shelves of the superstores all over the world.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Find Us on Facebook

Finally we are on facebook!! Its a whole new world!!

See us and our products and stay updated with us on the new platform. See you there!!


Friday, May 27, 2011

Looking out for Business Associates

We are now looking out for business associates all over the world, who can assist us in selling our products in their respective countries. You could work as dealers of our products, or you could work as buying agents or business developement associates. So long as you can generate more and more business, we really do not mind!!

To explain our products and abilities, we trade in mild steel staircase balusters, railings, gates and their components. We offer customization services, as well, for these products. So you can ask us to change dimensions or finish or any other detail of our products, to suit your specific needs or government regulations of your area. Also we can make our products, as per your designs, if you want. Apart from offering economical prices, we also offer quick turnaround times and a commitment to absolute quality.

Whats more, we even offer to source for you other products, apart from what we already trade in, so long as they are made in India!! We will be putting up on display a lot of other products, that can offer a distinct price and quality advantage as compared to other parts of the world!!

Do check back regularly for more details!!


Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Price Advantage India Offers

Recently, I have been spending a lot of time on researching the international price trends with respect to mild steel staircase balusters and railings. I have gone through the online catalogues of many international manufacturers and dealers of staircase balusters and their components. The study has thrown up some very interesting facts. Maybe, because the price of mild steel in most developed countries is higher than in India, or maybe because they have to pay much higher labour or other input costs, but the price of the finished mild steel staircase balusters and railings in India is much less that the same product in most countries. The more complex the design, the more glaring the difference becomes. In fact most dealers and manufacturers in most countries do not even offer very complex designs.

In fact, if one were to go through our product catalogue (by clicking on the Flickr photostream or the MS Panels / Balusters tab under the Our Portfolio heading), one would be able to see the relatively higher complexity of designs that we can afford to offer our clients, at relatively much cheaper prices. To give you a better understanding of the price difference, most of the designs displayed in our catalogue, cost less than 5 USD!!

Keep visiting our blog, as we keep on adding designs and products (we will be adding our range of railings and furniture very soon!!) pretty frequently!!


Friday, May 6, 2011

Balusters ...... !!

The internet today is a veritable treasure trove of interesting facts and tid-bits (although largely unverified!!), about even the most miniscule of everyday things. After looking up the internet to find out about the first staircase built by man, today I started looking for the origin of the word baluster. What I came up with was interesting and fascinating at the same time.

The origin of the word "baluster" can be traced back to four different languages and cultures and probably times as well:
  1. French - balustre
  2. Italian - balaustro
  3. Latin - balaustium
  4. Greek - balaustion
This information has largely been collected from wikipedia, the researchers' favourite, but what really struck me was the fact that these are four different languages spread over different geographical areas, and yet they have very similar sounding names for the same thing. Maybe the origin of the word baluster lies in an even older language, which formed the origin of these languages!!

If anybody has more knowledge about the origin of the word baluster, please feel free to send in your comments.

Also, the balusters of a staircase are typically called banisters or bannisters, which in turn may also refer to the handrail of the staircase. However banisters are usually thinner than the balusters. And if the balusters are placed together to form a railing, it is called a balustrade.


Monday, May 2, 2011

More New Designs Added!!

Some more new designs for mild steel staircase balusters / panels have been added. Please do visit our updated portfolio to have a look.

Take advantage of our economical prices, beautiful designs, expert craftsmanship and short turn-around times ... in short, take advantage of the fact that these mild steel staircase balusters / panels are made in India!!


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Now we can also be found on Flickr!!

We are now also on Flickr!! To see our latest designs of staircase balusters and railings, click on the Flickr Photostream Gadget on the right or on "MS Panels" in the "Our Portfolio" tab.

Experience the "Made in India" advantage!!


Saturday, April 23, 2011

New Designs for Staircase Balusters!!

Just finished uploading photographs of some of our newer designs for mild steel staircase balustrades. Please visit our Orkut profile or view our portfolio on Photobucket to have a look!!

Please rest assured that since these mild steel staircase balusters are being manufactured in India, they not only conform to the highest standards, but are also very economical in terms of cost!! And they can be customized, to suit your specific requirements!!


Monday, April 18, 2011

The History of Stairs!!

As insignificant or uninspiring staircases and railings might seem, they have been around for quite some time!! A general theory is that probably even before man built his first dwelling, he had already built his first stairs. Even if he hadn't, he had at least felt the need for it ..... to climb up the hills and the mountains that surrounded him, and also to climb up the trees that he did daily to pick fruits and to hunt animals from a vantage point.

Although, I can't vouch for the historical correctness of this theory, but it definitely seems likely!!

While looking for the history of staircases and railings, I found this very interesting site about the "construction of the best preserved wooden staircase" built in Hallstatt in 1344 BC!! Now it has been developed as a tourist attraction, complete with a guided expedition down the stairs and into the salt mine, that it once was!!

And while you savour this interesting tid-bit about staircases, please do visit us on orkut, to see our latest products and designs.


Monday, April 11, 2011

Increasing our visibility!!

Dear Friends,

We are now available on orkut. View our latest designs and products, send us your views and ideas, in a new and more interactive way. Visit us on orkut


Friday, April 8, 2011


At the onset, allow me to introduce to you Design Concepts!!

We are a designing, manufacturing and trading firm based in Ghaziabad, a small yet important industrial town right next to New Delhi, and an important part of the NCR. We are majorly dealing in mild steel items, notably staircase railings and their components.

From supplying to local traders in and around the NCR, we are now looking forward to expanding our horizons, to include the whole world. We are not only working on developing newer designs, but we are also working hard on expanding our range of products. We have recently upgraded and modernised our manufacturing plant, and added to our team of designers, especially to meet this new target that we have set ourselves.

We look forward to your support and appreciation in this new journey that we have set out on!!

we will be publishing our entire range of products and designs over a period of time. do check back often.